Sunday, 8 September 2013

Sunday, September 08, 2013

To install CWM Recovery first Root your Noir A900 from Here.If you have already rooted your Noir A900 then it's time to install the the CWM Recovery

Follow the simple steps below.

  1. Download the Recovery from Here Extract recovery.img file And put it in the root of the SD
  2. Open playstore and search for MTK mobileuncle and Install it
  3. Open MTK mobileuncle and select update recovery it will automaticaly search and will find the Recovery.img that was in your SD click and open it 
  4. Let it do it's work and wait for finish 
  5. Congratulations CWM Recovey is installed.. Wasn't that quite easy?
  6. Now to go in ther Recovery mode turn off your phone and hold vol up + power button for a while and you will be in recovery mode.
Notice: will not be responsible for any damage if you donot follow steps rightly and brick your device thanks.

P.S: If you want us to port  a custom rom for your NOIR A900  then provide us following files below and send it to

System/etc/firmware (whole folder).
System/lib/modules (whole folder).
Meta inf/.../update script
Meta inf/.../ update binary


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