Google has finally taken action to clean the android playstore.Months ago we started a petition to remove adultury content form playstore but unfortunately due to lack of support we couldn't make it worth but somehow google have finally look into the increasing no of android porn in playstore and decided to get rid of it.
According to new developer policies no more erotic apps allowed in playstore and rest present willbe baned or already banned.Google want playstore clean as they want the playstore for all the ages.
Google Play Developer Program Policies
Sexually Explicit Material
Apps that contain or promote pornography are prohibited; this includes sexually explicit or erotic content, icons, titles, or descriptions. Google has a zero-tolerance policy against child sexual abuse imagery. If we become aware of content with child sexual abuse imagery, we will report it to the appropriate authorities and delete the Google Accounts of those involved with the distribution.Iam happy personally as i always wanted pornography content out of the playstore.What's your thoughts? are you happy to know google new policy?
Staytuned with androidspakistan for more news and information
agree! they are also rebranding most of the phones
ReplyDeletePost some pictures of both cameras :P