Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

I hope everyone is familar with the facebook Home new Application.It is not yet officiialy released but i managed to get it work for you guys. Remeber it's not my work i have just made it more easy to get it install and Enjoy!


  1. Rooted Phone
  2. Root Exploler Installed
  3. Facebook Main App Installed
  4. Facebook Messenger Installed
  5. Android 4.0+ vErsion

How to Install

  1. First Download fb Home from here
  2. Then Install it Dont Open it Yet
  3. Go to root of your System and Make a backup of youR buid.prop if so ever needed later
  4. Now open it with text editor and make changes to  "ro.product.model=SCH-I535" ,"ro.product.name=d2vzw", "ro.product.device=d2vzw"
  5. Now save your build.prop 
  6. Restart Your Device
Open fb home from launcher and their you go!! fB Home working like charm ;) Dont Forget to +! the post.It takes time to get things work and make it simple for you guys so in return just click the +! button and like us on Facbook :)


  1. If I ha ve accidently opened facebook home before restarting and editing build.prop?? is there any chance now to use facebook home

  2. I also changed ro.product.brand=google than it worked.. :)

  3. didn't u managed to get it worked?
