Monday, 25 March 2013

Monday, March 25, 2013
HTC is changing its marketing approach completely for the HTC One.Old slogan Gone which was "quietly brilliant", now the new slogan enters which is "bold, authentic and playful."
The HTC marketing strategy is set to change in the coming weeks. For the launch of the HTC One, the company will sideline the “quietly brilliant” slogan, which everyone tended to associate with the brand until now. According to Ben Ho, the company’s Chief Marketing Officer, the key words for HTC’s One marketing will be  “bold”, “authentic”, and “playful”.

Ben Ho, the man that replaced John Whang a while ago, seems to have some interesting new ideas, which he recently shared in a media briefing in Taiwan. Ho detailed how the HTC One marketing campaign will be centered on a few key concepts. “Bold” is about the innovation the HTC One brings to the table, meaning that HTC will promote its product features more than it has done so in the past. “Authentic” is about HTC’s ideas being original, not copied from other brands, while “playful” is about HTC smartphones including more features based on what users want.


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